Monday, February 27, 2012


SoooooooooooAwsome!  I cant wait to play this.


Saturday, February 25, 2012


Hey Guys, whats been up?  Thought Id take some time so chat about this awsome Korean Drama History of a Salaryman.  It's really good based on chinese legend "Romance of the three kingdoms"  
I've been watching it on my x-box via hulu plus, but you people online can view it on drama fever.  The cast of the show is really great,  featuring Lee Bum Soo as Yoo Bang a jobless guy who walks into a room to find a man dead and a woman Baek Yeo Chi played by Jung Ryu Won hiding behind a curtain.  We then see the two getting arested as prime suspects for the murder.  Flash back 3 months ago to see how this happened we find out the dead man is Yeo Chi's uncle and Yoo Bang is a new hire of Chun Ha Group whos Chairman Jin is played by Lee Duk Hwa.  This drama is full as office espionage manly by Cho Hang Woo played by Jung Gyu Woon whos father comits suicide after getting fired by the Chairman. He comes back years later to take revenge.  At first he joins a rival company and trys to steal but when that plan fails he worms his way into one of the companys top positions.  And no Korean dramas complete without its love storys, enter Cha Woo Hee played by Hong Soo Hyun a pharmasist working for Chun Ha group who has fallen for Yoo Bang but after a series of mishaps becomes secretary to Hang Woo.  The show airs on sbs mondays and tuesdays so we get it online by wendsday.  It just aired is 16th episode wich is a usuall stoping point for Korean shows but I hope this show hits 20-24 episodes.  I look forward to watching it every week.

Like I said this drama is really good and I recommend it to anyone who likes a good show, even if you've never seen a Korean Drama before.  You noobs will have to get used to the subtitles but Its def. worth the watch.

enjoy pyons!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Classic Comic

Borrowed Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection from my pal Kyle last week.  I have to say it is the BEST genesis collection I've seen.  Has all the greats Sonic, Comic Zone, Pantasy Star 1-4, Dr. Robotnics mean bean machine, Altered Beast, Vectorman 1+2, Shining Force 1+2, Golden Axe 1-3 pretty much everything you want to play for genesis.  I have most of these games minus the shining force and Phantasy Star games wich are just hard to find.  But being at my moms I don't have the space to keep my Genesis hooked-up all the time so getting this was perfect.

But what I've bee playing Comic Zone the most.  To be honest I haven't really beaten it yet and I told myself I would some day so I think this might be my chance.  Pretty much playing it non stop for 2 days now, the game is really hard and surprisingly holds up even 17 yrs. later.  The graphix are clean and work well for the game. because its based on comic like looks, reminds me of those 90s style image heyday comics.  But the fighting's awesome and the jokes still work.  From the sit still animation where he smells his shoes or the random farts from using the ducking action to the banter between him and your various enemies, just classic.  This is a really great game that I think if you haven't played it yet you need to find someone who has it and play.

When I get done I'll probably try to beat Shining Force next, They also have Shining in the Darkness but those dungeon games are just too confusing for me. I always get lost in those massive dungeons .

Monday, February 20, 2012

Bridal Show!

Went to my first bridal show Yesterday. It was a blast. Got to draw people wich I hasnt done since the six flagsseason ended last October.  Also got alot of emails and such for doing caricatures at receptions.

Took me awile to get everything ready. Even stayed up till 3am Saturday to make sure I had every thing I needed ready for the event. I have another one next week in Springfiel Il. I hope its as good as this last one was.

enjoy pyons!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Goong

How was everyones Valentines? anything exiting happen?  I spent the whole day watching one of my Favorite Dramas Goong, or what hulu plus calls it Princess Hours^^. If you havent heard of it Its a love story that pretends Korea has a constitutional Monarch. This was also a Manhwa or Korean comic. The main character Shin Chae Kyung played by my favorite Korean actress Yoon Eun Hye.  Is forced to mary Prince Lee Shin because of a pact made by there respective grandfathers many years ago.  While the show starts with an amazing wedding it doesnt end there as their story has just begun.  Lee Shin has a secret girlfriend and Chae Kyung struggles with being a commoner in the imperial palace.  Once Chae enters the Palace they change her from plain comoner to beutiful princess.  At this they do a good job of finding out fits that look really good on her. And slowly Shin falls in love with her just by being around her.

This show also folows what I call the traditional korean drama format. Being wich 2 guys are fight over the main girl.  Where the one Guy is true to his feelings but the girl just wants friendship. But the other guy likes the girl but wont fess-up to his fealings even though the girl makes it clear she likes him too.  And there is also another random girl that nobudy seems to care about but shes always around messing things up. Like 75% of the Korean shows I've seen so far follow this format. But for some reason I watch anyways.

Later in the show you find out Shin has an older sister Hye Myung played by Lee Yoon Ji. I have to say this chick is totaly awesome.  She hasnt been in alot of dramas but She was in Dream High wich was a really good music drama from last Winter.  Any way she shows up aroud episode 10 or 11 and totaly steals it! She doesnt have many lines but there all good, They make her character seem very mature and composed when compared to Shin and Chae.  She also seems to know how to keep the Queen Mother and King composed during all the random palace espionage that goes on in the drama.  I've seen this show twice before already but I always forget about her, but when she shows up shes totaly my favorite character.

Im at episode 15 now and ill probly finish this week. Its the third time ive seen it through and im sure it wont be the last time.  Its a really well made drama and anyone with hulu plus should give it a watch.

anyways later pyons!

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Game

New Game of Thrones Production Photos on Yahoo today. New season Looks to be being awsome.  I has here a pic of fav. character Arya Stark. I dont see her getting much screen time in this season But still should be fun to watch.  Also looking forward to the live action exploits of John Snow, Tyrion Lanister, The Onion knight, as well as maybe some made up castle seages by the Wolf King Robb Stark.

After watching the first season on HBO last year and finding out it was a book series. I went ahead and read all of them and I have to say I was pleased with the whole world George has made.  Im always looking forward to see what happens to Arya most but I do have other favorites (listed above) I also enjoy reading about.  The last time I read about her was in book 4 and I've been waiting to find out what happened to her. Each book seems to expand the world More and More as we learn about the people, kings, and the wars they make.  I'm currently in the middle of Dance with Dragons and hope to finish soon.

anyways enjoy pyon

Monday, February 6, 2012

Pics durp!

Well I finally remembered to put up the pics from A2F! Lol that con was like 2 months ago now but meh whatever.  First of all I was glad to see a Naussica, i've seen alot of Son but I think that is my first Naussica. Also the Steam Punk chicks on the end where really cool I drew pics of them and they really liked it. And that girl with the fist on her shirt and nerf gun, is that car from that same game (or show) that has the scout I see alot of ppl cosplaying as around here? Well whatever it is I liked It. There was also a Doctor walking around with a really good Amy Pond.  But I saw the Doctor first and didnt really know who the girl was suposed to be being till I saw the Amy Pond(wich was really good BTW) and by then it was too late and I couldnt get outa my seat just then.

Anyways I also meet another cool artist Matthew i think his name was. You can check his deviant at good stuff^^ He said he usually hans more south like texas and whatnot. But I was glad he came his stuff was really good. Anyway check it out.

On another note, playing lots of FF13-2 the game is uber awsomes.  I think I said this before but the fixed alot of the stuff I think alot of people disliked about the first one without ruining it for the people who did.  They also added a capture monster feature where you can use and lvl monsters you've fought on the field.  Sometimes I feal like you cant get the same combinations you could in the first one cause each monster has its own class but still good.  Chocobos pretty much the best lol I also use a bomb and wolf type.  The bomb has good magic and with the monster fusion I was able to give it all 4 types of spells so its pretty much good anytime.

Anyways I think i've typed too much^^ later pyon!

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