Sunday, June 26, 2011

Theme Day

Another awsome day at Work yesterday^^. It also seemed to be crazy theme day 'cause I got alot of requests for themes. I didnt take pics of all of them, but I have 3 here to show you guys just what I was doing all day. The last one is my fav. the dad wanted them to both have supergirl capes but I thought that would be stupid so I made one of the wonder woman. I am happy with the results. The day itself turned out to be really good as well, working almost non stop after it rained a bit after lunch.
I can only hope that doday will be as good as yesterday was. hopefuly... But if not I will at least get some good reading in. well later pyon

Friday, June 24, 2011

SixFlags Caricatures!

Well got some more caricatures to show you, this time from six Flags so they are in pencil with airbrush. I always seem to forget to take pics these days but I at least got two. If you were wondering we haven't been as busy as we normally have been but we're doing ok. I hope it picks up in july at least^^
anyway enjoy pyon

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Marines week 2011

Were have I been? I think its been over a month sence my last post. We'll I have been pretty buisy with work n all that. Anyway Its Marienes week in St louis right now so down by tucker where the memorial is they have all these cool tanks in stuff chillen for ppl to look at. I was on break from work heading down to Hole in the wall book store(left bank books) and took these photos on my way down.

Not much new has really been going on that I need to post really. I do have some new color pics and caricatures Ill post later^^

anyways enjoy pyon

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