Saturday, March 10, 2012

K-ON! speed art

Made my first bit of speed art! This is the Inking of one of my new Posters for the 2012 conventions.  I had also made a pencil sketch video but I had used another camera for that and it saved the video as a .mov.  Windows movie maker doesn't accept .movs so I had to try and convert it.  Lets just say I had no luck.  So anyway I used my moms camera to tape this video and well I don't know exactly how hers works and wasn't able to chance the resolution of the vid or figure how to work the focus.  long story short I got this pixelated video for you all to watch.

I hope to make more that will be better so look forward to that.  Anyway enjoy the vid.  Sorry but my computers way to slow to capture screen video while I color so there wont be any coloring vids. But you can see how it looks at the convention^^

later pyons

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