Guess I can start with my Sisters wedding in Hawaii! I had alot of fun In Kona. it was kind of a last minute thing to get together but im glad I went. We stayed at a time share in the area and my Dad rented a jeep which was really helpfull in getting arount the Island/volcano.
Beautiful black and green sand beaches, waterfalls and all sorts of exciting places where right there for us to view. It was allot of fun. Plus I got to see my sister and meet my brother in law Itaru.
The next thing was the Vanguad and Weiss Shwartz Tourney in Chicago. Another exciting trip with the guys I play cards with. it was so long ago its almost time for team tourney again. HA!
After that would be Nabraskon one of only 2 conventions I was a vendor at last year. I had alot of fun and sold allot of product. It was actually one of the most profitable conventions for me so far. I really hope to go again this year and want to say thanks to everyone wo bought stuff from me.
The last event would have to be my sisters wedding reception in dec. but i dont have any pics so ill end with my Smash talk. Been getting into Smash 4 allot and will be doing local touneys every 1st and 3rd mondays on stlbarwarz twitch accound come check me out!
Thats all for now I'll try to do anime and weiss deck lists next time.