Monday, April 16, 2012


Well had a little hicup in my cutouts.  When I went to prep the last 3 on friday it turns out the primer I bought was bad. opened the bottle to find everything solid D: But it was already late and I had to work saturday so I couldnt get the stuff replaced till Sunday. So needless to say I havent gotten to starting them yet. Just put the second coat on this afternoon.

However I was able to use the time to make these Sailor moon pics. I found a set of canvis at the store a pack labled for $20 but the first canvis was cut so they had it marked town to $5.  I desided it was a good deal even with the one cut so I went and made something outa what was left.  I dont know what ima sell them for just yet but I do like how the came out!

well back to work! later pyons

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