Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Kanna R/Y WS deck

Guess I'll start getting to these Weiss decks now. We can start with my Kanna deck. Kobayashi just came out last month I think, or the week before. Anyway, its dual color which is strange for a waifu deck but technically not the first deck I've build like this. Haven't had a lot of opportunities to play the deck so far, Mushoku Tensei also recently released, and I built 2 decks out of that so I've been playing those more. Still playing mostly on discord though. Hopefully when the local anime shop moves places later this month they will open back up fot in person matches.
So the first main combo in the deck is the lvl 1  CX COMBO. The main card has a fairly good skill on reverse activation with the CX. If op is reversed I can choose 1 of 2 effects: salvage one or lvl down one of ops characters. There is also another lvl 1 card that pairs well with the combo that on play discard 1 trait character to search for the card for the combo. I can also tap it to give 1 of those cards +1000 +1 soul.

 The lvl 3 CX COMBO is very interesting too. It has a 2/1 change card that on play I can discard to search for the event. The 2/1 also changes at start of CX pay 1 discard 2, add card to hand to change into the Lvl 3. Now this card has an experience of 4 to give +1000 and -1 soul to the slot across. The CX COMBO is also interesting because it activates if the CX is in WR. On attack discard and I can salvage the event and then the card gets +2000 and -1 soul for the opposing slot cross turn. Which is pretty great because with the experience effect and the CX its a -2 soul cross turn and even if they flash her to memory it could still be at least -1 soul. Now the event is nice as its a resonate the CX and top check, If its lvl 0 or lower burn for 3, anything else burn 1 and heal 1.

I've had some success with is so far. and because of the experience I did put some lvl swap in the deck. Also, the backup is a mill 3 which is pretty handy sometimes. I feel I just have some of the worst luck at time and end up having a good number of cards left in my deck with no CX, and that helps to mill my deck, so I don't die as fast.

I'll try and get to the Mushoku decks next time. Enjoy~pyon

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